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加布里埃尔·阿切尔(Gabriel Archer)

约翰。史密斯, A Map of Virginia, 1612

The accidents that happened in the Discoverie of the bay

What happened the second voyage to discover the Bay

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Portrait of George Percy
Portrait of George Percy
Around 4:00 A.M. on April 26, 1607 observers on board theSusan Constant,Godspeed, andDiscoverysighted the coast of Virginia. George Percy, who was one of the adventurers onboard the ships, wrote about the arrival: "The six and twentieth day of April, about four oÕclock in the morning, we descried the land of Virginia; the same day we entÕred into the Bay of ChesupiocÉ we could find nothing worth the speaking of but fair meadows and goodly tall trees, with such fresh waters running through the woods as I was almost ravished at the first sight thereof.
King James I of England
King James I of England
The nine and twentieth day, we set up a cross at Chesupioc Bay and named that place 'Cape Henry." This expedition had been chartered by King James I of England with the main purpose establishing a colony.


有些人认为,Amerigo Vespucci可能在1497年前往新世界的旅行中找到了切萨皮克湾。英格兰吹嘘约翰·卡博特(John Cabot首先发现了海湾,欧洲人首次定居于该地区的奖项授予西班牙人。

In 1570 a lone Spanish vessel entered巴伊亚德圣玛丽亚,西班牙的名字for the Chesapeake Bay. It sailed up the James River, stopping at present-day Newport News in order for the Jesuit priests to hold a religious ceremony. After the ceremony they made landfall about five miles from the future Jamestown settlement site, calling the area the "Land of don Luis." The priests then crossed the peninsula to the York River and constructed a Jesuit Mission called阿贾坎。在旅途中,卡雷拉兄弟向海湾降下:Our Fathers and Brothers disembarked in a great and beautiful port, and men who have sailed a great deal and have seen it say it is the best and largest port in the world. So, if I remember rightly, the pilot remarked to me. It is called the Bay of the Mother of God, and in it there are many deepwater ports, each better than the next任务成立不久后,Powhatan印第安人杀死了所有神父。尽管殖民地无法生存,但已经获得了有关海湾和她的支流的大量知识。

Once the English had set up their colony at Jamestown in 1607, they wanted to get out and explore, possibly finding the ÒNorthwest PassageÓ to the Orient. They brought with them a shallow draft, two-masted vessel of about twenty tons to help them with their explorations. She was appropriately namedDiscovery, and was probably used to explore the Bay. Soon after arriving at Jamestown, Christopher Newport led an expedition up the James River."Thursday, the XXITH of May, Captain Newport, having fitted our shallop with provision and all necessaries belonging to a discovery, took 5 gentlemen, 4 marines and 14 sailors, with whom he proceeded with a perfect resolution not to return but either to find the head of this river, the lake mentioned by others heretofore, the sea again, the mountains Apalatsi, or some issue."

Besides being a daring adventurer, Captain John Smith was also an explorer and thanks to his efforts, much of the Chesapeake Bay was explored in the first two years of the settlement. Returning to England in 1609 because of an injury, Smith spent his time writing several books, including TheDescription of Virginia 。In this book he wrote everthing he could recall from his days in Virginia. He wrote about the Chesapeake Bay, its tributaries (rivers), the weather, and the Powhatans
约翰·史密斯(John Smith)与Powhatans作战
约翰·史密斯(John Smith)与Powhatans作战
"Virginia is a Country in America that lyeth betweene the degrees of 34 and 44 of the north latitude. The bounds thereof on the East side are the great Ocean. On the South lyeth Florida: on the North nova Francia. As for the West thereof, the limits are vnknowneÉ The sommer is hot as in Spaine; the winter colde as in Fraunce or England. The heat of sommer is in June, Julie, and August, but commonly the coole Breeses asswage the vehemencie of the heat. The chiefe of winter is halfe December, January, February, and halfe MarchÉ The first of those rivers and the next to the mouth of the Bay hath his course from the West and by North. The name of this river they call Powhatan accor[ding] to the name of a principall cournty that lieth vpon it. The mouth of this river is neere three miles in breadth, yet doe the shoules force the Channell so neere the land that a Sacre will overshoot it at point blanck. This river is navigable 100 milesÉthe Kecoughtans, who beside their women and children, have not past 20. Fighting men. The Paspaheghes on whose land is seated the English Colony, some 40. Miles from the Bay have not past 40."[弗吉尼亚的描述]
约翰。史密斯capturing a Powhatan
约翰。史密斯capturing a Powhatan

詹姆斯敦定居点的众多冒险家之一是一个叫亨利·斯佩尔曼(Henry Spelman)的少年。亨利到达詹姆斯敦时,他与约翰·史密斯(John Smith)一起旅行,探险詹姆斯(James)与Powhatans会面。在这次会议上,人们同意亨利将与Powhatans住在一起。亨利(Henry)在Powhatans工作了两年,学习语言和生活方式。亨利写了他的观察Relation of Virginia。In it he gives a brief description of the Virginia countryside.“这个国家在某些地方充满了木头,水中有很多。他们有婚姻,玉米和其他地面的小田地,他们的鹿,山羊和雄鹿喂养了。狼,狐狸,麝香猫,野兔,飞松鼠和其他松鼠都是灰色的,如圆锥体,大禽类(只有孔雀和常见的母鸡想要),在夏季大部分地区都有丰富的鱼。”
